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Merced City Firefighters Association, IAFF Local 1479
Merced Police Officers’ Association
Merced County Association of Realtors
Merced Booster Club
Merced Sun-Star
North Valley Labor Federation
Josh Pedrozo - Merced County Board of Supervisors, District 2
Dr. Steve Gomes - Merced County Superintendent of Schools (Retired)
Allen Brooks - Merced City School District Trustee, Area 3 Merced NAACP Chapter President
Nicole Silveira - Merced County District Attorney-Elect
Kathleen Crookham
Chou Her
Moua Thao
Armando Martinez
Austin Johnson
Bob Evans
Brian Meisenheimer
Carmen Ramirez
Connie Brons
Dan Timko
David Bankson
Doug & Kelli Fleutsch
Holly Zacharias
Jack McCabe
Jeannette (Jean) Okuye
Jim Cunningham
Jose J. Delgadillo
Judy Edwina Smith
Karen Adams
Kirk Jensen
Lee Pevsner
Mary & Scott Camper
Nicole Hamlin
Paul & Terri Ward
Patricia and Andy LiWang
Peg Larson
Pope & Jane Lawrence
Rich Ramirez
Robert Haden
Ronnie DeAnda
Russ Vara
Ryan Paskin
Sam and Dena Traina
Sophal Prum
Ruth Loredo-Her
Andrea Valitierra
George Gongora
Joshua Gonzalez
Vanessa Villegas
Nestor & Edelweiss Oviedo
Clarissa Estrada
Ruth & Jesse Estrada
Blasa DeAnda
and so many more!*
(Titles & affiliations for identification only)
*Partial list

Endorse Shane for
Merced City Council District 4
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